After finish the book do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, which is the basic idea behind blade runner, I was really interested in re watching Blade runner agian. I remeber watching this movie when i was probably in middle school, while i can't really recall what happened in the movie i decided to watch it agian. So, how was the movie? eh, i'll be honest i actrully didnt' like it, thought it was kind of silly, and long. I understand they where trying to go for a film noir attitude toward the movie, but for me it was kind of silly. Harrison Ford is always good, but... he just really didn't say anything in this movie besides take shots at robots and run away from robots. The one thing i did enjoy was the very last scene in the movie, probably the most memorable moment and was still frightening for me. While maybe i didn't enjoy it was because this movie came out in the 80's and the special effects yes are good...for the time, but that only couldn't have held the movie togethere. While the city and effects are very interesting, the story ultimatley fell apart for me, probably because I read the book first.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Shutter Island (Movie Review)
Taking place in the 1950's ish a young detective (Leonardo Dicaprio) is sent to an island to uncover the mystery behind this supposed horrible Asylum. In one sentences thats a good summary of the movie. Directed by Martin Scorsese which really shows his style throughout the film. The only issues Ifound troubling with this film was that it was a little long, and draged out. Also the ending I thought was pretty good, however its not like it hasn't been done in movies, so a little cliche but I didn't see it coming, unless im really gulible. Thats really all what i have to say about it, I enjoyed it, it was a fun movie to watch, even though when compared to Scorsese's other work its kind of a dissapointment, that aside a solid thriller, just not scary.
Bayonetta (Game Review)
This was quite the interesting game, and probably the most played by me and my friends. Im not sure that over playing this game was a good thing or a bad thing. But basicly if Devil May Cry fucked a witch this is what would come out. A high druggy addiction baby with unnatural super powers, with monsters that can be summon from her clothes. The action in this game is relentless soooo many fucking combos that I still can't pull off, sadly there are really only two buttons for attacking, punch and kick. Thankfully there are sooo many combos and all are different and unique it really dosn't seem like a button mashing kind of game. Untill you reach the climax sequences which is basicly how fast can you break your controller by constatly pressing one button. The story in this game is meh, meh, meh, just so so, its hard to follow and over drawn out, over saturated and long. However one thing that saves the story is the comical dialoge its actrully pretty funny, and pokes fun from other games such as Resident Evil 4, really. One thing that buged the shit out of me was that during some of the amazing cutscenes which can make the matrix looks like pussyshit, it would abruptly cut to these slideshow cutscene which COMPLETLEY killed it. Im not so shure what the developers where thinking when they thought it would be a good idea to add this, it almost seems like they ran out of time and instead of taking the time to make all the cut scene they rushed it and added dopey slideshows. Overall its a fun game the action and combat is solid, and watching all the choreography fall in place is mezmerizing, But don't take the story seriously, because its stupid and the game knows it.
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Blob (Movie Review)
Well, without too many adjectives, this movie is a classic and it always will be. Made in 1958 when horror films where being produced like no other. Watching this movie now is definitely a mind trip, seeing how all the people acted in the town, the clothes, the cars, even the town itself. Even the creature "The Blob" was done really well especially when you think about the time this movie was made. Sure, this movie isn't that scary anymore but its still fun to see Steve McQueen go around trying to tell everyone that a monster is on the lose and no one will believe him. In fact, I've heard people tell me that this movie is considered to be the first Teenager in distress horror film, a film that is the basic to a good majority of horror films today. The movie is fairly short, but with the budget this film was on I am amazed how much the film makers accomplished. If you've got the time to watch this, watch it, its more of a funny movie now, but that's what makes this film so great that its still a good movie, a classic.
Unforgiven (Movie Review)
"You just shot an unarmed man!"
"He should have armed himself if he's gonna decorate his saloon with my friend."
Another western film by Clint Eastwood, however don't expect any gun slinging mass body count in this flick. In fact there is hardly any "showdowns" except the last scene which in my opinion is probably one of the best western shootout I have ever seen. The story is about Clint Eastwood as a retired "outlaw" raising is kids in the middle of now where. Until a young punk with a smith&wesson revolver tells him some "ol lady in Wyoming got her faced slashed and all beat up by some local," then comes the adventure. The story is actrully more developed then the way I put it, in fact its alot better, in short the story combines the old west legends with the changing of times, to what is justice and what is a crime. Eastwood meets up with his partner Morgan Freeman (so cool) and then start there trek to this town. The town is run by this god complex sheriff Gene Hackman who acts like the town is his, and hes "saving" every one from bad people. The most interesting part about this movie is how the west is being lost to technology, which adds a fascinating level of ideas to the film. Without giving too much up, its a good flick, I wouldn't say it was amazing due to some parts were possibly a little over developed, however watch this movie as if it wasn't a "Western" film and you'll enjoy it, the ending is very satisfying.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Assassins Creed 2 (Game Review)
fuck it, im just going to play Mass Effect 2 agian.
fuck it, im just going to play Mass Effect 2 agian.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Breaking Away (Movie Review)
"What are we gonna do about him?"
"I don't know dear. We could always strangle him while he's asleep."
"I don't know dear. We could always strangle him while he's asleep."
Well, lets put it this way when people ask me that question, "whats your favorite movie," I am always dumb struck because i watch way too many movies that its getting difficult to even drop a name down on what is my favorite of all time. So, maybe one day I'll put it all down on paper like a top 10 an easily, this takes one of the top 3 spots, easily. Its so hard to lay down on words because this movie goes rises to a whole different level of amazing. For a very brief summary, its about a four kids who graduate high school and are named by society "Cutters," mainly because their family's aren't wealthy and they don't' go to University of Indiana. In short its a coming of age story about finding who you are, but that's is a very very general, this movie has epic bicycle racing, College fights, Comedy, Family drama, and Co-eds. This movie strives to be great because of the story, the story is so well though out so tightly organized there's never a moment where you want to stop watching. In fact this movie even won an Academy Award for best Original Screen play, and deserves it. I am at a lost for words now, words can't explain..
Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs (Movie Review)
I remember in my childhood that this was one of my favorite book growing up as a kid. Sure, enough i was surprised to see that Sony animation studios was going to be turning it into an animation film. At first i thought it was going to be a total joke, and completely destroy the image of the classic children's novel. However I was pleasantly surprised, it was a decent film, what made it enjoyable for me was the main character played by andy samberg, who looked incredibly simliary to the main charater... kind of. While the film dosn't follow the book, instead it just uses the imagination from the book, and then wrote a completley different story. So instead of the coulds raining food because of "a change of weater," the coulds rained food because the main character scientists kid created an invention that turns water into food, fucks up and ends up sending the invention into the coulds, making it rain food. The story worked quite well for me, the only part that stood out at me as being iffy was, that the movie started off so well that it never really brings you back up to that excietment level. Same goes with the laughs i found my self laughing a lot during the first part then....... didn't really laugh as the movie went on. Don't get me wrong its still a good movie, but some times you should start off slow with your appatizers then when you get your entree endulge your self and enjoy the last bites, but either way you'll get full in the end. (oh yeah, almost forgot and Mr. T has a voice role)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Departures (Movie Review)
Well, I finaly saw this movie, when it received an academy award last year for best foreign film, i was instantly hooked. The movie takes place in tokyo were a young talented man who plays the cello is fired from the orchestra, and has to sell his professional cello, inorder to move to his old home in the country. His wife agrees to come with him, and "support" him, however she does far from that espeically during the middle of the movie. While were at it lets talk about his wife, im not sure if the director perposely wanted her to act hella asian, or if that just how she acts in reall life, either way it made me really want to put duck tape on her mouth. Anyways... he ends up finding an add for a travel agency, but it turns out to be a Departed company. A departed company shown through this movie goes to your house were the deseased lay, and they expertly clean the body and carefully dressed them in a kimono. Some parts are comical in the movie because the "cello boy" is really nasious at the sight of dead bodys. However he soon realizes the effect this job has on the families who watch them prepare the deceased. Families would come up to his boss and thank him for making them look so "beautiful". Im going to stop there because, its a really great movie that needs to be watched, sure it might be a little slow at times, and the ending could be seen a mile away, but its deffentily a masterpiece of its own.
MIchael Clayton (Movie Review)
Following the live of, you guessed it lawyer Michael Clayton, a lawyer that specializes in cleaning up other peoples problems, or fuck ups. As the movie progresses you soon realize that even though he is one of the best in his field he is addicted to gambling, and is in debt from a local loan shark for his failing restaurant. This character development alone stands for its self and really lets the viewer understand how messed up his life really is even if it seems like he makes thousands of dollars. As the story continues you'll soon find out about this conspiracy agianst this major company, and of course nothing falls into place. Its hard not to summarize because that's were this movie shines, is within the story and directing. Nothing about this movie really stood at me as bad, maybe some parts were slow, but it really didn't pull me away from not liking it, if anything it made me want to watch it more, because I wanted to find out what was going to happen. Granted this movie is about lawyers and politics, so don't expect any fist fights or gun shooting. Instead watch this, and you'll be wondering from start to finish whats going to happen next, all the way up to the most suprising ending i have ever seen.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Mass Effect 1 (Game Review)
Well, i just beat it, and now I am anxiously waiting to play ME2, but first how was this game. ehhhhhhhhhh, its was ok, like I felt the only reason why i kept playing the game was because it would make the ME2 experience better. Let me explain the problems i faced in this game, and there were too many, which is a bummer. To start, the first level gives you a really weak tutorial, sure it shows you how to use cover, but it quickly jumps over some pretty basic controls. Example, it wasn't untill seriously the last level that i figured out that some glow bars were my sheild level, i just thought it was some special move bar. Another thing that really bothered me was the elevators in this game, are soooooo slow, like you can seriously wait a good 45 seconds just to go down one floor. Plus screen tearing is present and textures popping in are rampant, which really dampers the gameplay. Also another thing i noticed was that some characters when, they get poisoned never get cured, and there is no remedy to cure your team mates, so they just stay with low health all the time, making them die in one hit. So I ended up using combat orintated teammates which seemed to have stronger health and restore their health after being poisend. The main problem i had was the auto save was sooooooo shitty.
Let me explain, i would go through a series of flights fighting enemy only to get killed, then sent ALLL the way back down to the bottom. Yeah, i know this might sound a little silly, but when you have to go 5 levels up with extremely hard enemies rushing you it can get really frusturating. However, it wasn't untill later in the game that i realized, they had a save buttom, which makes the game wayyy more playable. Ok, now for the good parts of the game. The story was really interesting and intriguing , plus just like all Bioware games they give you the option to say what you want in the dialoge box, making it your choice to be good or evil. Combat was really fun, team mates act fairly dumb and stupid, but are good for staying close to you and backing you up. Exploration is gigantic, there are roughly about 12 galaxys and with in these galaxys are 2 or 3 three systems and with in these systems are 4-5 planets which are either story plots or side missions. So there is tons of replay value if you find the time to play each side mission. Sadly the side missions fail in orginaility, most are the same and redundant. Character models look really clean and sharp esspecially for being created two years ago. Overall this game was fun to play because of the story but contained a shit ton of flaws which will have you throwing your controller in frustration. But once you get past the flaws the game is really entertaining, especially if you make it to the end, and see the ending its quite a shocker!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Killing time, in the ARCH studio.
Time is going by ridiculously slow right now, my next class isn't until 12 30pm. Which mean I've got 2 hours till kill, if only killing was easier. For now, I am currently playing Mass Effect 1, the best way to describe it is like the sweet fire chicken from Panda, its good but... you kind wish it had more fire in it. In a tragic order to make time fly, I am going to post images which I find cool, or whatever.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Funy quotes from my First day back at school
-"Ok classmates you have to sight all your work, even if you find a picture of a LOL cat, you have to sight it."
-[Calling out for attendence] "Is Zhou here?"
[Student raises their hand] "You can call me Michelle"
-[Discussing the 175 dollar text book] "Well this my version its the 5th edition from when i was going to UC Davis, not really sure why i brought it in... probably because i wanted to look professional today."
"So can the whole class stand up, put the syllabus in your left hand, and then hold your left ear with your right hand, and repeat after me... "If you decide to drop this course, it is your responsibility to do so throught the registrar's office. it is not the responsibility of your instructor," ok now lets repeat that last part because it makes me feel important, "It is not the responsilbility of your instructor.""
-[Calling out for attendence] "Is Zhou here?"
[Student raises their hand] "You can call me Michelle"
-[Discussing the 175 dollar text book] "Well this my version its the 5th edition from when i was going to UC Davis, not really sure why i brought it in... probably because i wanted to look professional today."
"So can the whole class stand up, put the syllabus in your left hand, and then hold your left ear with your right hand, and repeat after me... "If you decide to drop this course, it is your responsibility to do so throught the registrar's office. it is not the responsibility of your instructor," ok now lets repeat that last part because it makes me feel important, "It is not the responsilbility of your instructor.""
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Spartacus Blood and Sand aka (Go read a book instead)
Well netflix recommended that i should watch this "Original" Tv series because i enjoyed the original Spartacus, and the HBO t.v. series Rome. Being optimistic about new television shows, and im also kind of a history nerd, i give it a try through the instant player. Let me tell you this, "This movie is an insult to Rome, the creators should be thrown into a time machine and sent to the stone age were they can rethink there knowledge." Like Honestly the first minute is composed of some of the worse CGI effects i have ever seen, Shitty as fucking green screen effects are rampant, its like not even good, its like some one on youtube could have done better. Its like the creators thought they could make an excellent series if they just got a hot looking guy, and Brunette with Big Boobs, all mixed with excessive violence and gore. I honestly didn't even get past the first ten minuets of this shit, I was laughing too hard and shaking my head it was just too horrible. Also another thing that really pisses me off about this shit, is that every ones clothes are sooo fucking clean and every one has PERFECT TEETH, like every single person including the prisoners gets Medi-care. The clothes like even the peasants had sure raggedy clothes but their skin was perfectly clean, its like god dammit, like yeah sure Rome had a sewage system but its not like every one got a hot water and a clean bath. Basically this series is going to be crap, the people that will like this series, are for people who enjoy, excessive violence and gore, all about the action, bro. I'd rather read a picture book about Gladiators then watch this, or better yet i'd rather look at this picture then watch this crap again. Better quality, more accurate, and violent, everything this series fails to achieve.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Aliens (Movie Review)
"Apone! Look... we can't have any firing in there. I, uh... I want you to collect magazines from everybody."
"Is he fuckin' crazy?"
"What the hell are we supposed to use man? Harsh language?"
Well, last night was a bore fest for me, after leveling up to 68 on MW2, I officially decided i was bored with that game. Started flipping through channels on the television and noticed AMC was just starting Aliens, so i figured what better way then to re watch a movie I have not seen sense middle school. I never really watch movies on TV, for two reasons they usually edit the shit out of it especially if its has gorey material, and commercials I hate them totaly disrupts the movie. Even during this movie a very tension building scene would fade to black to a fucking Mr. Clean Magic Eraser commercial, i mean like fuck, seriously. Luckly i guess because this movie is so "old" TV censor group decided that Aliens isn't really gorey now, so they left alot of the blood and violence in which was really cool. Anyways enough about the TV, if you havn't seen this movie then... you be living under a rock, I allready knew this movie was amazing when watching it but, I totaly forgot how amazing this movie really is! Like from the superb acting by sigoney weaver, with all her baddass ness especially at the end when she goes all rambo. Also you would think from the begning this would be all typical alien horror film, however it really isn't there are so many twists in this movie it'll have you throwing your arms in the air. Even I jumped out of my seat a few times just becuse the movies pacing was so on point.
Another thing I noticed was in the begning, Weaver opperates this Robot machinery that helps moves crates and such. So, I sat there thinking wow, "Avatar" totally ripped off that idea, but then it came to me the director of Avatar James Cameron also directed this movie. Ohhhhhhh, well i guess thats ok now. After finishing this movie i can clearly see why this movie is considered to be one of the "best" sci-fiction movie ever created, amazing acting from Signorney Weaver, and James Camerons ability as a director to seemless blend action, horror, and tension through out the movie and never lets it down.
Friday, January 22, 2010
An american Werewolf in London (Movie Review)
John Landis directed this film, who is famous for landmark films such as Animal House, Blues Brothers, Trading Places, and even directed Michale Jackson's Thriller video. The Film takes place, you guessed it london, were two American travelers are walking through northern London, and run into a place called the Slaughtered Lamb. Were they are approched with stares and akward silence by the locals, they soon split town. While walking into darkness one of them gets killed and the other gets slashed. This may seem like a boring typical werewolf movie, but if you have seen any of Landis films like the "Blues Brothers," you'll be rewarded with quirky interuptions, laughable characters, and situations. While watching this movie i noticed that there were no special effects or CGI animations but more animatronics, even though now it might be kind of funny because of the dated effects, but it just makes the movie that much better, more outrageous and more of a riot. This movie is easily worth watching because it is so over the top, and i can see at the time it probably was scary with the effects, but now its more laughable but in a good way. Nazi Werewolfs.

Shadow of the Vampire (Movie Review)
Taking place during the creation of the movie "Nosferatu" which is considered to be the first Vampire movie. This movie is kind of funny in that the movie follow the crew and the director in the process of them making there movie, so its unique in that the movie they are making is a silent film, so the process of them setting up for the set is very interesting. But what makes this movie a real horror film is that the director is fucking crazy and actually goes out to a castle and asks a Vampire played by William Dafoe, to play in his movie as himself. But the director tells every one on the set that he is just a very well played actor, and request that they film at night for him, and all the crew blindly believes the director. I have never seen the movie Nosferatu but i can imagine some of the scenes they were filming in this movie could be directed straight from the actual film Noseferatu... if that makes any sense. What really makes this movie is William Dafoe who acted as the vampire, just watching him talk and act is horrofying and at the same time quite comical.
If there is anything that i didn't like about the movie is that its a little bit slow... maybe because i wasn't as fascinated by them setting up the scenes of the movie, which was from the really movie... but thats nick picking. Shadow of the Vampire holds an outstanding preformace by William Dafoe which makes this movie scary and laughable at the same time.
If there is anything that i didn't like about the movie is that its a little bit slow... maybe because i wasn't as fascinated by them setting up the scenes of the movie, which was from the really movie... but thats nick picking. Shadow of the Vampire holds an outstanding preformace by William Dafoe which makes this movie scary and laughable at the same time.
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony (Game Review)
So this one is the most recent expansion, and the last expansion for GTAIV, and this one was hella crazy. Like the mission were so over the top from stealing a subway car, military helicopter, and an APC. However some of the mission were so stupid, in fact they could have just been a cut scene instead of a mission, but there were only one or two that were like that. The rest of the game was really fun and over the top, you also get new weapons which included a Famas gun, Saw Assault gun, a fancy looking sniper rifle, and an automatic shotgun with explosive rounds. Because you are also a owner to a club you make money fairly easily in this one, i didn't even really have to start spending my money (on guns and armor) until the end of the game. The game ending required A LOT of firepower, especially the final shoot out in the club, shit gets messed up. I enjoyed this expansion more than the main GTA IV game, i was almost sad when the game ended i kind wanted to keep playing more mission with Tony and co. because the dialogue they have is hilarious. Even after you beat the game there are mini games you can play which include base jumping off high buildings and landing on key spots, partaking in a cage fight, drug war fights, and club management. Give this game a play its funny, Violent, and comes with little frustration (because the guns you have are abnormaly strong).
Nothing like fighting for Humanity, In space.
Now I gotta go out and beat the first one, and then buy an HDMI cable for my 360 lol.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Gears Of War 2 (Game Review)
I remember in highschool when the first one came out and all my friends got excited and i went over to my friends house and with another friend beat the entire game in one sitting. I felt that the first one was highly enjoyable but it just felt like one of thouse games that you beat and its like wow, that was cool, so what other game do you want to play? Condemned? While the second one came out on Nov 12th 2008, I can't really remember what i was doing that year but i never got around to playing it, probably because I was too busy playing MGS4, and just forgot about it. I beat this game with a friend awhile ago, and hahahaha what a funny ass game. The Characters look like oversized bodybuilders, who fight an alien race, and end up doing this a lot.
Which just added to more of the jokes being told when playing this game, ok ok the best player and most enjoyable character to listen to is Cole, the Black Guy. Let me just show you some of the quotes this characters says.
Like i said before this guy was hilarious the entire game, like i got to a point where i really did not care about what the other character said, i just wanted to hear Cole speak, says the most ridiculous stuff ever. Anyways, about the game, its pretty much the exactly the same as the first one just with Chainsaw duels, meat shields, mo' weapons, and much more blood and gore. I also felt the adventure in this one was more entertaining just because the scenery changed more frequently, and the locations were pretty original, like right out of a black metal album artwork. The story was better, Dom gets all ancey about finding his wife, and more of the same of like "how da fuck are we supposed to kill this entire creature race and still be alive to tell the tale," that sort of stuff. The gameplay was fun, oh yeah it wayyyyyyyy better to play with another player, like I tried playing with an NPC and omg. I was fighting this boss and ALLLLLLLLL what the other character did was stay at the farther side of the boat and didn't ABSOLUETLY nothing just stood there, didn't even shoot shit. Their hella dumb. Besides the dumbass A.I. the game was fun, funny as hell, and the ending totally left it open for a third one. Overall the game was more fun if you play it with friends and beat it all in one sitting, some of the laughs are priceless, but dont' expect highclass dialogue and story line, because this is a straight up Hollywood action movie staring Vin Diesl, and John Cena, you'll laugh because its so over the top.
Crimson Tide (Movie Review)
"Yeah, horse's are fascinating animals. Dumb as fenceposts but very intuitive. In that way they're not too different from high school girls: they may not have a brain in their head but they do know all the boys want to fuck 'em."
Ok, where to begin, this movie stars Gene Hackman as Captain Ramsey of the Alabama nuclear submarine, and Denzel Washington as Lieutenant Hunter a newly appointed man to the Alabama. The movie is about the tension between Russia and the United States, the movie is kind of like a "what if scenario" and does a damn good job of it also. Quick Summary of the events Rebels in Russia take over key nuclear silos and threaten to launch them, and at the same time the rebels simultaneous start a Civil War in Russia causing massive government disorder in their country. So the President asks Captain Ramsey to go undetected towards the western cost of Russia in case they might have to use one of the warheads to take out the base the rebels have taken. While all seems all fine and dandy, and Ramsey asks Hunter to join his ship as his second in command, questions start flying. Lt. Hunter dissaproves of Ramsey actions on his ship, which causes a stir in the ship which then causes massive questioning among the captains and crew. Then later in the story there ship gets a EAM (EmergencyActionMessage) to rise to a appropriate level in order to launch the warheads at the target. However while in the action an enemy sub spots them and almost destroys the Alabama. While fighting, Lt. Hunter was in the process of getting another EAM but because of the fight the message wasn't able to finish. So with no correct message, both Ramsey and Hunter duke it out, Ramsey believes they should just Launch the missiles now because that's what the message before said, While Hunter is all like Fuck you we were the process of getting a message we need to reestablish connection, because for all we know they could have resolved the problem, and then we fire a nuke on Russia which will then cause a nuclear Holocaust.
The movie is very well executed especially the dialogue between Hackman and Washington, both try to out do each other in the movie with witty history questions, and horse knowledge. I Highly recommend this movie, sure the models of the submarine are a little silly, but dang the tension that builds between the captains and crew mates are one hell of a rollercoster ride. Oh, random looking through IMDB looks like Quentin Tarantino help write some of the dialogue between Hackman and Washington, lawl.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damed (Game Review)
This is the first expansion pack/story for the successful Grand Theft Auto IV game. Overall it was a decent game, i am not sure if it was just me, but i felt that some of the graphical stand points seem to be aging which is funny because this game came out in 2008, maybe i just got spoiled from Uncharted 2. Also another thing that bothered me was when you enter a mission it goes to a loading screen, then after watching the cinematic it goes to a loading screen, then you get on your bike and go do the mission only to get shot by some thug, which then brings up a loading screen leaving you off at the hospital, so then you have to click replay which then goes to the final loading screen... sigh* however at first this really fucking bothered me and really destroyed alot of the mission of the game, but once you get used to the cover system/shooting, you'll find your self dying less, which means less loading screens. Well no that all the negatives are out of the way, the game itself is pretty impressive, the mission were never tedious, and the voice acting between characters were quite entertaining.
Especially when you get the main Biker dude talking to a corrupt congressman, it gets quite hilarious. The game also introduced new weapons which included, pipe bombs, a burst fire pistol, an automatic shotgun with a drum magazine, and the classic saw-off shotgun. While all these guns are a welcome to the arsenal, it seemed that you could never really make enough money, to casually buy ammo, because you made absolutely NO money in the game which made it fairly hard in the game. Also some levels were retardedly difficult when your up against, a swat team with assault rifles, and all you have is a saw-off shotgun and no Kevlar armor, things can get fairly gnarly. One thing that was really nice in the game was because you were the leader of the biker gang you can call your buddy's for back up, guns, or for a fresh bike. While calling your buddies into battle they also get points for surviving which can reward them with better guns, armor etc... The story, was short and to the point nothing really unexpected was thrown your way, but it was enjoyable none the less. Over all it was a fun expansion, with only a few frustrating bits.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Let the Right One In (movie review)
"Are you really twelve?"
"Yes. It's just I've been twelve for a very long time."
I remember watching the trailer for this movie and thinking to myself that it might be a fairly interesting movie to watch. Then it came out, getting remarkable amazing reviews, currently as of now scores it at 97%. So of course i had to watch it, and so i sat down and watched it over the instant player on my netflix. Annnnndddddddd....!!!!!!!!!! It was good... not amazing, didn't blow me over as phenomanal but just decent. It wasn't that scary, sure there was some pretty unique scaring scenes and some of the situations are pretty intense but nothing really jumped at you. But from the start, this movie wasn't really made to scare you, but to introduce a young boy who gets bullied alot at school and becomes friends with the new girl next door (who is a vampire). Thats pretty much it...... in a very short and abrupt summary, people get killed, and highschool testosterone flows rappidly. Sure the directing was very different which did add to the "scaryness" of it, but i felt some parts kind of dragg... but overall it was a decent watch, watch it with your girlfriend (or boyfriend) at night and you'll get some scares, just don't expect to want to go purchase it.
Friday, January 15, 2010
MOON (Movie Review)
This one is kind of hard to talk about, for a brief summary its about a man who is working on the moon and gathers lunar energy which is then sent to earth to provide energy. I guess the idea behind this, is that the lunar energy is so strong and powerful it is able to provide 70% of the whole world with energy. There are only two actors in this movie Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey (the robots voice), and both did a remarkable job executing both roles especially Rockwell. This movie is pretty hard to talk about without giving too much up, other than theirs some cloning going on..... which leads to some pretty emotional story telling which surprised me. The pacing of the movie moved along so there was never a boring moment, and right when you think you going to get confused with the cloning bit, the story ties it up very reasonably at the end. All in all this movie is probably one of my favorite movies with Rockwell who really help make this movie emotionally entertaining.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
THIRST (Movie Review)
"I think... we'll both go to hell. I have a terrible illness."
First, let me just get this out of the way this movie is phenomenal, easily the best vampire movie I have ever seen, and of course is directed by the legend of foreign horror Chan-wook Park (Old boy, Lady Vengence, Sympathy for Mr. Vengence, J.S.A). When starting the movie I was a little afraid that it would start slow, and have to introduce characters, inorder to introduce the storyline. Haha, was i wrong the movie started so fast and brought you right into the story with very little background, and worked perfectly! The actor who played the vampire was Kang-ho Song who has played in a number of Park previous films. Song has always been a favorite actor of mine with such outstanding performance in "Old Boy," and "The Host" I had high hopes that he would be amazing in this movie as well. Song performace in the thirst was of course nothing but spectacular, stealing blood from a hospital, eloping with a beautiful girl, and playing Mah Jong. Even the young girl played by Ok-bin Kim was delightfuly entertaining, from her shy manerisms to her unfortunate demise. I dont' feel like I should talk about the story, because im afraid i might give up too much information, in short this movie deserves to be watched, and not read about. So please, when your sitting down watching the twilight series with your girlfriend, tell her to close her eyes and switch the disks, you'll be doing your self a favor. Besides this movie has much more skin and blood then twilight, muchhhh more skin.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Wrestler (Movie Review)
[Randy points away from the ring]
"The world don't give a shit about me."
"The world don't give a shit about me."
A very interesting movie, with an extraordinary performance by Mickey Rourke, follows the tail of a washed out wrestler who his entire life has been dedicated to professional wrestling, until he has a heartattack and is told he can never wrestle again. While the premise of this story seems fairly unorginal, however its actruly quite interesting, the story follows Randy "The Ram" Robbinson who like i said is an ageing wrestler, and lives in a trailer cabin, does steriods, gets tan, dyes his hair, and goes to stripper bars for fun etc... untill he has a heart attack and trys to redue his life by trying to repair his relationship with his daughter, and even trys to ask out one of the local stripper dancers for a date. Story progresses without giving too much away he gets frusturated at the world and realises he can't do anything but wrestle. I know, I Know, this sounds really dumb but honestly give it a watch its pretty entertaning and fun, you'd be supprised how much blood is in this movie.
HEAT (Movie Review)
[Neil socks bank guy in the face, who tumbles backwards, and extracts the necessary key; the bank guy struggles in pain]
"Don't move! Sit there. Sit there! Let it bleed."
Uhmm well, first, i was told this movie is the ultimate action, crime thriller, and holds one of the bloodiest shoot outs ever. So i, put it on my netflix, came in the mail, and watched it (with one break, had to go to work). two hours and fourty five mins later i was more tired of watching i, then being excited to the very end. While the two performance from Al Pacino (the good Cop), and Robert DiNero(the bank robber) were beyond entertaining to watch the script and story line just dragggggggggggedddddddd on and on and on. The reason i felt it draged so much was because the story payed too much attention to Al Pacino falling apart marraige, and also is really good friends with his wifes daughter from another marriage, oh yeah the daughter was natlie portman who looked maybe 15? And then on the other side you've got Rober Dinero feeling all lonely because he has no one, even though hes stolen millions in cash and needs to do one more job inorder to go to fiji and "retire", but then he finds a really hot girl who went to Parson school of design and of course they fall in love, but like a stupid boy he dosn't tell her that hes a bank robber untill the end, and she flips a bitch on him. Just typing this out is making me tired easily a good hour of this movie couldn't have been edited down. Granted the connection between Pacino and Dinero is amazing, and seeing pacino try to put Dinero behind bars is fairly entertaining. And so of course this whole movie leads up to this bank job that is supposed to be really easy and a piece of cake for Deniro, but of course Pacino out thinks him and catches him trying to flee from the bank, and thus the reall fun starts. SOOOO much gunfire in downtown Los Angeles, buses driving off the side of the road, cops getting caped because the robbers got some massive firepower, civilians getting shot at while the police are trying to take carefull shots with out hitting anyone, its deffentily worth watching. Well thats all i really have to say about this movie, people and critics say its one of the best crime dramas ever made, what do i say? Go to screen selection click "the bank heist" watch it, then put this movie in your dvd player instead.Thursday, January 7, 2010
Bruno (Movie Review)
"I am going to be the biggest Austrian celebrity since Hitler."
This is going to be rather short, because this movie was very one note, a lot of dick swinging, sex jokes, and German accents. While parts of this movie were funny, mainly the celebrity encounters which had Paula Abdul, Ron Paul, and Harrison ford. But the rest of the movie didn't really make me laugh i was more saying "heh, thats embarrassingly funny" but i never laughed out loud. <- (pun not intended). In short im glad i didn't spend my money to see this in theaters it was a bore more like a bunch of clips from tv strung togethere to make a movie, Yawn.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (Game Review)
"My Blaster Runs, Really, Really, Really, Hot."
Easily one of the Best Ratchet and Clank games i have ever played, from the voice acting to the graphical detail. The story follows right where we left off Ratchet and Clank are separated from some sort of time dimension. So a good portion of the game has two story lines going simultainusly, Ratchet finds another Lombax names Azimuth who is exiled because he unknowing helped the destruction of the Lombax planet. So both Ratchet and Azimuth team up to try and find Clank and this Great Clock which has the power to control time. Without giving away too much its a farily entertaining story filled with laughs and ginormous explosions. While the story was fullfilling it felt on the shorter side, when comparing it to the last game. In the last game it felt like you traveled to easily 25+ planets, while in this game it was a mere 13 planets. However this is not including all the space battles, and the side space moons you can explore for Zoni and Gun upgrade. So while playing, i still landed on all the moons and even completed the
Battle Arena and it still left me wanting a little more story continuation. Also while the explosions where exciting and left no screen tearing, or slowdown, some of the smoke animation was horrendous. So Horrendous that at times i couldn't tell if the developers left it in for a comical effect or if they simply overlooked it, because 98% of the game is fucking Gorgeous. Both the length and the smoke are the only things that let me down, but thouse are so minor. The ammount of guns and upgrades are mind numbing and it is alot easier to upgrade your weapons faster, which in turn wants you to purchase more weapons and see what there Maximum upgrade is. For example Buzz Blades -> Doom Blades, need i say more. Even the armor upgrades, just looked amazing bad ass, and not stupid comical like the last game.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Event Horizon Movie Review
" What about my ship? You can't just leave her! "
"I have no intention of leaving her, Doctor. I will take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the Event Horizon until I'm satisfied she's vaporized. Fuck this ship!"
When first watching the first thirty mins of this movie i thought it would have a rather excellent blend of sci-fiction and horror, sadly i was mistaken quickly. This movie is about a rescue team sent to find a missing ship that was pronounced dead to the public. 75 yrs pass and the crew find the ship. The ship is important because it can travel faster than the speed of light, by creating a black hole and jumping through it bending the light and time continuum. While the story seems fairly interesting for a somewhat generic scifi movie, it falls flat. while the crew is on board the gateway/blackhole/hyperspace drive opens up and a crew member falls in, and somehow comes back and is possessed (go figure). However instead of the crew member rising from the grave and secretly killing every one, he just ends up jumping out of the airlock almost killing himself. Then the crew bring up the clonclusion that the ship is alive and is somehow haunted by this gateway. Fastforwarding, the majority of the crew die from the "ship," the main doctor goes ape shit and becomes obsessed with the gateway, only to rip out his eyes and start killing more of the crew members who try to destroy it. Finally the whats left of the Crew ends up destroying the ship splitting it into two, and jump into cryochambers and fall asleep, only to wake up from another resucue team, then the screen goes black to this "THE END." Honestly the most abrupt ending i have ever seend, especially with the cliche ending words. Do your self a favor don't watch this movie, its silly, sure some parts are scary, but at the end of it you'll feel like you wasted quailty time. Just do this instead better story, way more fun, and better scares.

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