Monday, February 1, 2010

MIchael Clayton (Movie Review)

"You're so fucked. Here let me get a picture while I'm at it"

Following the live of, you guessed it lawyer Michael Clayton, a lawyer that specializes in cleaning up other peoples problems, or fuck ups. As the movie progresses you soon realize that even though he is one of the best in his field he is addicted to gambling, and is in debt from a local loan shark for his failing restaurant. This character development alone stands for its self and really lets the viewer understand how messed up his life really is even if it seems like he makes thousands of dollars. As the story continues you'll soon find out about this conspiracy agianst this major company, and of course nothing falls into place. Its hard not to summarize because that's were this movie shines, is within the story and directing. Nothing about this movie really stood at me as bad, maybe some parts were slow, but it really didn't pull me away from not liking it, if anything it made me want to watch it more, because I wanted to find out what was going to happen. Granted this movie is about lawyers and politics, so don't expect any fist fights or gun shooting. Instead watch this, and you'll be wondering from start to finish whats going to happen next, all the way up to the most suprising ending i have ever seen.

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