Monday, February 1, 2010

Departures (Movie Review)

"Don't touch me you're filthy"

Well, I finaly saw this movie, when it received an academy award last year for best foreign film, i was instantly hooked. The movie takes place in tokyo were a young talented man who plays the cello is fired from the orchestra, and has to sell his professional cello, inorder to move to his old home in the country. His wife agrees to come with him, and "support" him, however she does far from that espeically during the middle of the movie. While were at it lets talk about his wife, im not sure if the director perposely wanted her to act hella asian, or if that just how she acts in reall life, either way it made me really want to put duck tape on her mouth. Anyways... he ends up finding an add for a travel agency, but it turns out to be a Departed company. A departed company shown through this movie goes to your house were the deseased lay, and they expertly clean the body and carefully dressed them in a kimono. Some parts are comical in the movie because the "cello boy" is really nasious at the sight of dead bodys. However he soon realizes the effect this job has on the families who watch them prepare the deceased. Families would come up to his boss and thank him for making them look so "beautiful". Im going to stop there because, its a really great movie that needs to be watched, sure it might be a little slow at times, and the ending could be seen a mile away, but its deffentily a masterpiece of its own.

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