Monday, February 22, 2010

Blade Runner (Movie Review)

"I have had people walk out on me before, but not... when I was being so charming."

After finish the book do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, which is the basic idea behind blade runner, I was really interested in re watching Blade runner agian. I remeber watching this movie when i was probably in middle school, while i can't really recall what happened in the movie i decided to watch it agian. So, how was the movie? eh, i'll be honest i actrully didnt' like it, thought it was kind of silly, and long. I understand they where trying to go for a film noir attitude toward the movie, but for me it was kind of silly. Harrison Ford is always good, but... he just really didn't say anything in this movie besides take shots at robots and run away from robots. The one thing i did enjoy was the very last scene in the movie, probably the most memorable moment and was still frightening for me. While maybe i didn't enjoy it was because this movie came out in the 80's and the special effects yes are good...for the time, but that only couldn't have held the movie togethere. While the city and effects are very interesting, the story ultimatley fell apart for me, probably because I read the book first.

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