Monday, February 22, 2010

Bayonetta (Game Review)

This was quite the interesting game, and probably the most played by me and my friends. Im not sure that over playing this game was a good thing or a bad thing. But basicly if Devil May Cry fucked a witch this is what would come out. A high druggy addiction baby with unnatural super powers, with monsters that can be summon from her clothes. The action in this game is relentless soooo many fucking combos that I still can't pull off, sadly there are really only two buttons for attacking, punch and kick. Thankfully there are sooo many combos and all are different and unique it really dosn't seem like a button mashing kind of game. Untill you reach the climax sequences which is basicly how fast can you break your controller by constatly pressing one button. The story in this game is meh, meh, meh, just so so, its hard to follow and over drawn out, over saturated and long. However one thing that saves the story is the comical dialoge its actrully pretty funny, and pokes fun from other games such as Resident Evil 4, really. One thing that buged the shit out of me was that during some of the amazing cutscenes which can make the matrix looks like pussyshit, it would abruptly cut to these slideshow cutscene which COMPLETLEY killed it. Im not so shure what the developers where thinking when they thought it would be a good idea to add this, it almost seems like they ran out of time and instead of taking the time to make all the cut scene they rushed it and added dopey slideshows. Overall its a fun game the action and combat is solid, and watching all the choreography fall in place is mezmerizing, But don't take the story seriously, because its stupid and the game knows it.

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