Friday, January 22, 2010

Shadow of the Vampire (Movie Review)

"Why him, you monster? Why not the... script girl?"
"Oh. The script girl. I'll eat her later."

Taking place during the creation of the movie "Nosferatu" which is considered to be the first Vampire movie. This movie is kind of funny in that the movie follow the crew and the director in the process of them making there movie, so its unique in that the movie they are making is a silent film, so the process of them setting up for the set is very interesting. But what makes this movie a real horror film is that the director is fucking crazy and actually goes out to a castle and asks a Vampire played by William Dafoe, to play in his movie as himself. But the director tells every one on the set that he is just a very well played actor, and request that they film at night for him, and all the crew blindly believes the director. I have never seen the movie Nosferatu but i can imagine some of the scenes they were filming in this movie could be directed straight from the actual film Noseferatu... if that makes any sense. What really makes this movie is William Dafoe who acted as the vampire, just watching him talk and act is horrofying and at the same time quite comical.

If there is anything that i didn't like about the movie is that its a little bit slow... maybe because i wasn't as fascinated by them setting up the scenes of the movie, which was from the really movie... but thats nick picking. Shadow of the Vampire holds an outstanding preformace by William Dafoe which makes this movie scary and laughable at the same time.

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