Friday, January 15, 2010

MOON (Movie Review)

"GERTY, am I a clone?"
"Are you hungry?"

This one is kind of hard to talk about, for a brief summary its about a man who is working on the moon and gathers lunar energy which is then sent to earth to provide energy. I guess the idea behind this, is that the lunar energy is so strong and powerful it is able to provide 70% of the whole world with energy. There are only two actors in this movie Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey (the robots voice), and both did a remarkable job executing both roles especially Rockwell. This movie is pretty hard to talk about without giving too much up, other than theirs some cloning going on..... which leads to some pretty emotional story telling which surprised me. The pacing of the movie moved along so there was never a boring moment, and right when you think you going to get confused with the cloning bit, the story ties it up very reasonably at the end. All in all this movie is probably one of my favorite movies with Rockwell who really help make this movie emotionally entertaining.

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