" What about my ship? You can't just leave her! "
"I have no intention of leaving her, Doctor. I will take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the Event Horizon until I'm satisfied she's vaporized. Fuck this ship!"
When first watching the first thirty mins of this movie i thought it would have a rather excellent blend of sci-fiction and horror, sadly i was mistaken quickly. This movie is about a rescue team sent to find a missing ship that was pronounced dead to the public. 75 yrs pass and the crew find the ship. The ship is important because it can travel faster than the speed of light, by creating a black hole and jumping through it bending the light and time continuum. While the story seems fairly interesting for a somewhat generic scifi movie, it falls flat. while the crew is on board the gateway/blackhole/hyperspace drive opens up and a crew member falls in, and somehow comes back and is possessed (go figure). However instead of the crew member rising from the grave and secretly killing every one, he just ends up jumping out of the airlock almost killing himself. Then the crew bring up the clonclusion that the ship is alive and is somehow haunted by this gateway. Fastforwarding, the majority of the crew die from the "ship," the main doctor goes ape shit and becomes obsessed with the gateway, only to rip out his eyes and start killing more of the crew members who try to destroy it. Finally the whats left of the Crew ends up destroying the ship splitting it into two, and jump into cryochambers and fall asleep, only to wake up from another resucue team, then the screen goes black to this "THE END." Honestly the most abrupt ending i have ever seend, especially with the cliche ending words. Do your self a favor don't watch this movie, its silly, sure some parts are scary, but at the end of it you'll feel like you wasted quailty time. Just do this instead better story, way more fun, and better scares.

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