10. Where the Wild things are
-I must admit there was so much publicity and gossip about this movie. Even my work (to no surprise) decided to create a whole window display, along with shirts and novelty items for the anticipation of this movie’s release. While I admire Spike Jonze work very highly, i was nervous that he would create a boring mainstream movie based off a children's book. However he did exactly opposite of that, instead he created a world based of the book, and incorporated much of his ideas. Which included a depressed boy at home, only to run away to a world were there are depressed creatures with drama problems. That aside Jonze successfully created an imaginative and emotional story that will be talked about.
9. Public Enemies
- I really enjoyed this movie, from the prison breaks to the anticipation of the capture of John Dillinger, gripping from start to finish. A part about this movie which really grabbed my interest was the creation of the us marshals capturing criminals, which traveled state to state in order to stay away from local authorities. The movie also give notable cameos to famous criminals such as Baby Face Nelson, which just added to the scale of the film. Last but not least, the gun fighting sequences were so well executed, the sound of a 1930 shotgun ripping through a wooden door and into a cop chest never looked and sounded so good.
8. Inglorious Basterds
-Not much to say here but Quentin Tarintino Strikes again loaded with dark comedy, excessive violence, and an awesome musical score.
7.Fantastic Mr. Fox
-This movie made by Wes Anderson left me laughing hysterically and put me in good spirits as i left the theater. Its charming, witty, and heartfelt. For me this story Anderson created surpassed any other animation film this year including pixar’s UP and Coraline.
6. Avatar
-This movie will be talked about for awhile, it is THE landmark in technical advances for special effects in movies. The characters were so flush, noticing what was CGI and what wasn’t began to blur. An Epic adventure filled with action, betrayal, and redemption. On a side note i’ve been seeing that most critics do enjoy this film but all have made mention to the cliche story line, and campy dialogue. I do agree this movie has some silly dialogue, however criticizing that story was not original enough (The Last Samurai) is absurd. Take the worst movie of this year Transformers, it had quote an “Original” script, but boy was that original script so over saturated with explosions, horrible dialogue, and slow motion. So for saying avatar is unoriginal, is preposterous, it takes all the elements of the hero’s journey and turn into an enjoyable adventure from start to finish.
5. Sherlock Holmes
-This movie was amazing, i really miss the old mystery films such as the “The Thin Man,” which was filled with comedy along with detective questioning, which would lead up to an ending scene with William Powell revealing to the crowd who the killer was. Both Robert Downy Jr. and Jude Law had there rolls spot on it was so much fun watching both of them interact with each other. But the one thing that really made this movie for me was the fact that they never really told the audience FLAT out on a silver plater who the villain was and what was going on. Instead you were more of an intern walking next to Holmes and Watson shadowing there actions and trying to figure out the pieces to the puzzel. And like all correctly done mystery movies they had a climax of Holmes confronting the villain and exposing his secret intention, gah! so much fun!
4. Drag me to Hell
-This movie to me was a really big shocker, I remember watching the trailer thinking on great heres another stupid old teenager horror film, that the director of spider man is making. At the time i had no idea that Sam Rami directed the evil dead movies and was in fact got his name from horror films. The film starts off with such big lettering i was almost afraid to laugh because it seemed so over the top. Then once the film starts going you get excessive blood which in fact make you laugh. The best way to describe this is like the rabbit scene in monty python and the holy grail its so over the top violent that its gets scary because you don’t know what’s going to happen, but at the same time you want to know what will happen because its Freaking Hilarious. Never have I felt so scared but yet some how laughing hysterically at a horror film, love it.
3.Star Trek
-One sentence, great acting, intense action sequences, a solid script, interesting characters, phenomenal. (Besides the akward love relationship between uhura and spock)
2.The Hurt Locker
- When first watching the trailer i was left with the emotion, “meh.” But then i started hearing more and more reviewers raving about this film, that it creates tension unbearable you almost want to leave the theater. After watching this film i swear i never want to go to the middle east. It captures the Iraq war so profoundly, its almost creepy. Following the role of a bomb squad you witness them deactivate numerous bombs. The Tension on this film is so excruciating it would be like watching your high school teacher drag their nails on a chalk board for a very long time but slow and painful. Watching this movie will make you sweat, and you’ll love every second of it.
1.District 9
-Words can’t explain this movie. Just go see it.
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